Category Archives: Preschoolers


Bilingual Learning at Home: How Can Parents Be Reinforcements?

The perks of a bilingual person are now gaining more attention especially with the world getting closer to one another. With more opportunities to interact and visit different countries, the need for clear communication has also increased. We’re...

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How You Can Harness Your Child’s Potentials Even at Home

When it comes to unleashing your child’s learning potentials, there’s no one better to attain it than you, dear parents. Would you agree? Being a leading Pre-School and Daycare in El Paso, Texas, we recognize this valuable role parents have...

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5 Safe and Educational Toys for Preschoolers

Even if your little one is no longer a toddler and would now be ready to learn their fundamental basics through preschool, play still comprises most of their early growth and development. That is why it will be very helpful to give them toys that...

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Tips on Preparing Your Little One for Preschool

Preschool is the beginning of your child’s educational path—it is the foundation upon which your child’s intellectual, emotional, and even physical growth and development will be built upon. Getting your little one to leave toddler years...

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Nature and Children: Ways to Teach Them to Love the Environment

It’s never too early to teach your kid to love the world around them. After all, this is the only world we can leave them behind. As soon as they get a grasp of the flowers, trees, and animals, you can begin planting seeds of love in their...

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Helping Your Preschoolers Learn and Have Fun While at Home

When your little one starts pre-school, their eyes will be open to the wonders of learning, play, and socializing with other kids. Pre-school only lasts for a few hours though, and sometimes, your kid may need a little help when it comes to coping...

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